Monday, August 14, 2006

Horrid Baby

I was a horrible baby. On my 21st birthday, McDad showed the only piece of film he ever made of me as a baby. There I was, with the baby walker, toddling about in my red suit. Little Bruv was staggering to his feet, struggling, falling back down on to his bum, getting halfway up, topping back down again...I paused beside him with the baby walker, and he saw his opportunity! Painfully slowly, he got to his feet and grasped the handle with one little chubby hand.
I pushed him over and toddled off in triumph!


Anonymous said...

I can now understand what a "pretty babe" is.

ANTHONY said...

Oh. What a lovely baby, little did the world know that soon this little baby would become more popular, more than GOD himself! Wait a minute... That baby's got blond hair... That's not you... You've been fooling us all along!

ANTHONY said...

And anyway, dear Helen, what's a sensible young lady like you doing at ten past three in the morning?
When any normal person should be in bed, at that time of the day?